Orchids Garden at Ratchaphruek Horticultural Flower Garden in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Ratchaphruek Horticultural Flowers and Orchids Garden exhibition in Chiang Mai Thailand
Ratchaphruek Flower Garden in Chiang Mai is famous for its extravagant Flower Display, traditional houses, plants and dazzling unusual Orchids display in an exquisite different zone in a colossal hectares of Land, each zone has its own unique presentations of Garden design, features such as traditional houses in Asia, ornamental plants, hybrid vegetable gardens, temperate plants, orchid species and famous Lanna Architectural pavilion. some large corporations are also participate their own design concept garden in a fabulous detailed of architectural design, each lay out has its own unique presentations of landscape design some is wilder looking jungle style, or Japanese zen garden, to traditional lanna style garden, added some artful blend of contrasting effect decorative colourful ornamental plants to temperate flowers, towering clumps of deciduous trees, even vegetables and many other numerous unusual plants display and these are one of the most attractions to see. Ratchaphruek Garden sits in a beautiful panoramic vistas of foothills of Doi Suthep national park in chiang mai Province near chiang Mai University, held annually. but the popularity of this Garden has declined due to required large amount of money for maintenance, but the interesting park of this Garden is every year During Month of December to February this Garden organized flower exhibition, one of the highlight must see in Ratchaphruek is the Orchids Garden, Thai Tulips Garden, and Thai Pavilion, for viewing exotic orchids and photography. Orchids Garden have many interesting to see if you love orchids there are many large hybrid Orchid display in a beautiful settings from colourful phalaenopsis orchid to Oncidium, Blue magic to Purple, hybrid large Cattleya, slippers orchids and many more.
Phalaenopsis Orchid widely known as the moth orchid, consider one of the most beautiful orchids because of unique character. this rewarding plants has ability to keep it bloom to a long period of time, and produce superb lovely different vivid colours such as pastel pink, white, yellow and lavender. the phalaenopsis orchid above are place on diverting artificial rocky waterfall, some are hanging on the plastic pots with wire , inside the plastic pots contains small coconut fiber to keep Moisture, phalaenopsis orchid serves as one of the main attractions in the Garden.

Ratchapruek Orchid Garden is Blooming with many types of Phalaenopsis orchid some of these orchid hybrid type produce 8 or more Pink blush, or different colours flower bloom each canes, some other Orchid types are very impressive spikes length produced 8 compact flowers and Buds per spikes this plants are come from the age and the length of the plants. If this rewarded species treated so well the plants will live longer than and not as hard as any other plants difficult to care.